Dawn over Harrisburg, although with that church stealing the sky line it could be the UK.

Like Richmond, the city has a silly tall building with a cool neon sign on the top. We were out early enough that it was still lit here! Unlike the other building that had a bit of history this didn't appear to, not that I could find anyway.

The dome atop the Capitol building which unfortunately was buried under a pile of scaffolding.

At the north end of the capitol (is it that or "capital"?) complex are these two massive pillars, I'm not sure what they commemorate. The bridge in the background goes over the rail lines into the city, not a river unfortunately.

Looking back south from the pillars towards the front of the Capitol building. Those stairs made the whole place look like a skateboarding paradise.

Up close.

An early despatch for the local firemen who sped past us very quickly indeed. The funny thing was, and that we found out later, was that they were headed to our hotel after an alarm there had been set off. The culprit still hasn't come forward!

Looks like this city has been visited by a cow parade at some point. Having spent a couple of weekends prior with the London Elephant Parade I didn't want my OCD for completing sets kicking in here, I didn't have the time.

Interesting contemporary bronzing. How many statues have you seen featuring baseball cap wearing people, and don't answer "what about baseball players?". They don't count.

Another nice cool statue or was it just a business man that got caught up in that nuclear incident and became "Statue Man" with the superhero ability of remaining perfectly still. Stupidity aside the piece is called "Waiting" and very nice it is too.

The statue resides along side the river and in the early hours you can find gophers, or are they groundhogs running around.

It's the simple things that sometimes make you smile like this hydrant, which around this part of the city had all been painted up. Here's an interesting fact about hydrants; if you chop off it's head another grows back!

Jesus, Harrisburg! This is all a bit harsh! After seeing this sign we continued our morning jaunt wriggling on our bellies which really slowed us down and prevented us from seeing everything we wanted to see.

Nice house that belongs to some famous dude who's name I can't remember. I think he was responsible for quite a lot of the old building around this part of the city.

Another painted cow and no, I really am not trying to find them all.

and here we are back at the hotel.
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